*July 6th
the Brownies are holding a
Carboot Sale and Funday
on the field at the side of the community centre in St Martins. Cars Must be pre-booked.
contact Heather Lloyd on 01691778598 or 07973577391.
Start time 9am for car boot to arrive and 10.30 Start Money raised to go to Girl Guiding in St Martins it will help fund the Big 100 Birthday 2014
WI July 2013
This event has been POSTPONED until
14th September 2013
Tuesday July 3rd 7.30pm The Womens Institute will host a speaker evening, within their normal meeting, where Julia Baron will talk about Walking in Macchu Picchu in Peru.
Visitors are always welcome. A charge of of £3 is requested.
Ellesmere Road Chapel
July 7th 2011
Strawberry Tea @ 3:00pm
Canon Tony Sparham
It will be open to everyone, as there will be an opportunity to light a candla in memory of a loved one. We are trying to discover who has been married the longest and perhaps count up the total number of years that members of the congregation have been/were married. We would like to have a photo of everyone's wedding. Whether you will be at the service, if you have been married or are away on holiday. Please could you give dates and photographs to Joyce Sands, Helen Case or Caroline Selby. Thank you.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

St Martins Summer Fayre
2nd July 2011
Did you go to the Summer Fayer? Would you like to email us with your views of how much fun you had? Were you one of the vounleers? Tel us about it, let others that did not go just how much fun it was. Email me at either
suescho@hotmail.co.uk or