St Martins Village Show
2022 had many questions hanging over it, The death of our Queen of 70years and the very hot, dry weather we had in July/August. Yet again the community pulled together and produced and well attended show. Yes. there were very few flowers on display but the craft section made up for it and the Cooking section out shone it's self by the winning Cup cake were gluten free. The craft section produced the Best In Show, a marvellous embroidery 



Grow It, Make It, Show It Show
Can you be St Martins Young Vegetable Grower of the Year??
If you will be under 12 years old on September 1 this year, read on....
St Martins has been given some special potatoes and soil by one of the very top vegetable growers in the whole of the country. We have 20 sets of potatoes, and the soil to grow them in, to give to 20 lucky children who want to see whether they can be St Martins Young Vegetable Grower of the Year.
All you have to do, to have a chance of growing these potatoes, is complete the form below and hand it in at Stan’s Superstore Kiosk by 20th April. Twenty lucky children will be selected and we will arrange to supply your potatoes, soil and growing bag to you.
The potatoes will come with full growing instructions. You simply need to find a bucket to place the bag in, look after your potato plant and bring it, still in its bag to the Grow It, Make It, Show It show at the Institute on Saturday September 15 between 09.30 and 11.00 am. The bags will then be emptied, the potatoes will be weighed and the heaviest potatoes will win.
Could you grow the heaviest potatoes? Why not try and see if you could be St Martins Young Vegetable Grower of the Year?
Tel:…………………….......... Date of Birth………………………
Hand in at Stan’s Superstore kiosk by 20th April