Anti-Aging Aerobics
St Martins Centre
Thursdays @10:30
What Have the Brownies Been Up To?

Brownies have been working towards there Friend to Animals Badge and thanks to Emily Marina and her mum we had an enjoyable eveningpetting some of their rescued animals.Not everyday you can stroke rabbits, Guinea pig chicken, and a dog

See what the Brownies have been up to.........................

The Brownies and Rainbows had a great day at Royal Air Force Museum Cosford there was lots to see and do.

St Martins Youth Club
The Olympics
Football Swimming with torch
How many sports can you spot?
Rapid developments supporting young people
The villages of Selattyn & Gobowen, St Martin’s and Weston Rhyn, have taken a partnership approach to identifying the needs of young people from the area aged between 10 and 17. The 3 Parishes Youth Association (3PYA) seek to improve youth provision across the area and commissioned Shropshire Youth Association (SYA) to undertake research to establish what young people thought would improve life for them in their communities.
A survey was designed and trialled with young people from the SYA Youth Management Group: Shropshire Shout, was approved by the 3PYA youth leaders and then carried out by Shropshire Shout, with the SYA Participation Worker. The survey was undertaken on an informal interview basis with young people: at the youth clubs in St Martin’s and Weston Rhyn and at the Play Day event in Gobowen, at Weston Rhyn and Selattyn Primary and Rhyn Park Secondary Schools between July and September 2011. The survey was also available on line and completed by a local Scout Troop.
A summary of the findings from 117 completed surveys has been formulated into a report and presented to the 3PYA; a draft report was shared with the Local Joint Committee. The results will be used by the 3PYA and local representatives to inform Shropshire Council and the newly developed Big Local Trust: which has been set up to manage a £1 million grant programme for the area over the next 10 years.
More fun based sporting opportunities have been requested by the young people in the area, so the 3PYA organized a free multi-activity sports session at Rhyn Park School Sports Hall last Saturday. All local young people were invited to the event. It was a working in partnership with the Shropshire Council Leisure Services Team who provided sports coaching. Volunteers were on hand to further develop young people’s ideas.
Nick Heard chair of the 3PYA said “It is fabulous to be working as a partnership across the 3 villages. 3PYA are extremely grateful to our Local Joint Committee for contributing £300.00 towards this project and for SYA for undertaking the research. We will use it as a benchmark for future activities.” If anyone would like more information please contact Nick Heard on 774097.__________________________________________________________________
3 Parish Youth Association.
Rhyn Park School Sports Hall
Saturday March 10th
1pm – 4 pm.
Ages:10 year old +
CALLING ALL 10 - 17year olds
Can you fill in this survey, it might help to change things...............Click on the link below
3PYA - Summer Programme 2011
.............................................................................................................................HERE ARE THE FIRST PICTURES FROM THIS YEARS SUMMER PROGRAMME

What are you doing this Summer? If you are between 10 -16 why not join us for some fun............
Drummond Activity day Aug 25th - download a consent form here
These forms need to in as soon as possible, places need to be booked as there are limited places.
This project is supported by Selattyn & Gobowen Parish Council, Gobowen Playing Field Committee, Shropshire Council, Shropshire Youth Association, Oswestry Youth Café,
3PYA, St Martins Youth Club, West Mercia Police and Silo Central
- Working to Support Young People
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri |
22 Tennis Gobowen 1 - 3
| 23 Tennis Gobowen 1 - 3
| 24 Tennis Gobowen 1 - 3
| 25 Drummand Activity St Martins Tennis Gobowen 1 – 3 | 26 Tennis Gobowen 1 - 3
Sue & Nick Heard 01691774097. Lee Barnfield 07971420919 Julie Ruler 01691677301.
OSWESTRY YOUTH CAFÉ –SCHOOL HOLIDAYS -Tuesday 2 – 8, Friday 2 – 8. Saturdays 1 – 6

St Martins, Gobowen, Weston Rhyn
The 3PYA was formed recently to enable the sharing of facilities between villages and to generate more volunteers by offering mentoring opportunities. The group is supported by the relevant Parish Councils, the local County Councillor and the Shropshire Youth Association.
A recent survey carried out by Shropshire Youth Association indicated that there were enough young people in the 10 – 12 year old age range to support weekly sessions in the villages.
The St Martins Centre is the base for meetings with various activities including jewellery making, music making, art activities, origami, and cricket.
The project is funded by St Martins Youth Club and Crime Reduction Partnership with an application made to LJC. Some of the funding is specifically to pay for transport to bring young people from Gobowen and Weston Rhyn to St Martins.
Choc Chaos Night