St. Martins Village Life Magazine Association


1 Adoption of the Constitution

Adopted by the St. Martins Village Life Magazine Association on 31st January 2014

The Association and its property will be administered and managed in accordance with the provisions in this Constitution.

" The Name

The Association’s name is; St. Martins Village Life Magazine Association.

3 Area of Benefit       St. Martins Parish.

4 The Objects

The Association’s Objects are:

1.      To establish a community magazine called Village Life to run on a voluntary basis covering St. Martins Parish.

2.      To ensure that all members of the community are aware of events, activities, news and services regarding St. Martins Parish.

3.      To provide a means for the promotion of village clubs and societies to increase popularity and participation.

4.      To create a stronger and more sustainable community by allowing people to share their stories and ideas.

5.      To act as a focal point for the community in partnership with other relevant organisations.

5 Powers

In order to implement its Objects, the St. Martins Village Life Magazine Association may exercise the following powers:

1.      Authority to open and operate a bank account in the name of the Association, signatories to which shall be the Treasurer and one of either the Chair or Secretary.

2.      Power to raise funds by:

·        Donation

·        Paid for advertising

·        Application for grants

·        Fundraising events

·        Special appeals

.3      Power to lease or buy and maintain any equipment and materials necessary for the achievement of the Objects.

4.      Authority to publish the magazine in printed and electronic format.

5.      Authority to cooperate with other organisations in furtherance of any of the Objects or similar purposes.

6 Editorial Policy

Anyone can submit advertisements and contribute articles, letters and comments subject to the following disclaimer:

“The opinions expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editors and they reserve the right to amend, shorten or not print any article or advertisement submitted for publication. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information printed in this magazine, and advertisements are accepted in good faith, no liability can be accepted for loss, damage or claim of any kind incurred by the reader.”

7 Editorial Committee

The magazine shall be managed by an Editorial Committee of no less than 5 persons and not more than 10, with a quorum of 3.

The Editorial Committee shall appoint a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and such officers as they deem necessary and to fill by cooption any vacancies.

The duties of the Editorial Committee are to fulfil the Objects of the Association.

Nominations for election to the Editorial Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, countersigned by the person nominated, not less than 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.

8 Accounts

The Editorial Committee shall ensure that proper accounts of all monies paid into and out of the magazine’s account are kept and that these accounts are available to be presented at all Editorial Committee meetings.

9 Annual and Other General Meetings

1.      The Association must hold an Annual General Meeting within twelve months of the adoption of the constitution.

  • 2.      An Annual General Meeting must be held in each subsequent year and within 15 months of the preceding Annual General Meeting.

3.      At least three weeks notice must be given of the Annual General Meeting.

4.      The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:

·        Receive the annual Editorial Committee report

·        Receive the audited or independently examined balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding year, with estimates of receipts and expenditure for the current financial year, each financial year shall run from 5th April.

·        To elect members of the Editorial Committee.

        To keep the membership informed

·        To decide on any resolutions that may be submitted to the meeting in writing at least 7 days in advance.

5.      All residents of the Parish of St Martins shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. Each person shall have one vote. All votes at General Meetings are on a simple majority basis, though the outgoing Chair shall have a second vote in the event of a tie.

6.      General Meetings may be convened at any time, but subject to no less than 14 days notice, by the Editorial Committee and shall be convened by them on receipt of a requisition signed by any two members of the Editorial Committee.

10 Constitution

Notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution must be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 28 days before the meeting at which it is first to be considered.

The above constitution shall only be amended by a resolution passed by two thirds majority of those present and voting at the meeting.

11 Dissolution

The procedure to wind up the Association shall be by two thirds majority at a General Meeting.

In the event of the Association being dissolved, a meeting of the Committee shall be called to realise the assets of the Association and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Association.

Any and all monies or property remaining after satisfaction of the debts of the Association shall be transferred to St Martins Parish Council to hold in trust for the benefit of any future voluntary organisation having the same (or similar) Objects to those of the Association.

Signatures:  was signed by our Chairman on the 20.2.14