Lamp parade 2010 + Flora records + Fauna photos + Brownies + Ifton Meadows has a new banner + Wheelchair access + Memorial Mosaics + Brownies + Fungi + Summer Fair 2008
Lamp Parade 2010

The route snakes into the distance The fire juggler
Records from a survey by Mark Duffell with Ifton people on 5 Sept 2010 A great day was had by all.
click here to see the impressive list of flora which was recorded
Photos from a day on the Meadows recording fauna
stenotus bonostatus a green shield bug nymph
The Brownies entertained us at the 2010 Open Day
and then the grown -ups had a go!
Fungi Photos
fine example of
King Alfred's Cakes!

mycena inclinata a species of bonnet cap Ganoderma adspersum Artist's Bracket

Collybia fusipes Spindle shank Armillarea mellea Honey Fungus
Dead Mens' Fingers
Brownies Treeplanting
In 2010 The Brownies planted some trees at the Bungalow Entrance
Lamp Festival 2009
Summer Dates 2009
Ifton was represented at both the Whittington Castle Archaeology Day on Sunday 26th July 2009 and of course the St Martins Summer Fayre on the 4th July. It was good to meet old friends and make new at both these events.
A Happy Band at our Green Gym!
Ifton Meadows has a new Banner
Nov 5 2008 Chairperson Mrs Ann Williams was, today, presented with a new banner for Ifton Meadows, by the St Martins Craft Group. The hours that have been invested by these talented and skillful ladies is self evident in the finished quality of the banner.
It is intended to house the banner in the Community Centre and to display it at the various events and locations with which Ifton Meadows is involved. The banner will receive its first outing at the Remembrance service commemmerating the 40th anniversary of the closure of Ifton Colliery, to be held at St Martins parish church on 23rd November.
Ifton Meadows in Pride of Place.
Next Wednesday, 19th November, will see the launch of the new Wheelchair Users Guide to accessible countryside sites and trails in Shropshire and the Borderlands. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday at 2.30pm at Ifton Meadows. It is a matter of pride for us to see Ifton Meadows being featured on the cover.
The guide is of course not available in hard copy until next Wednesday. We look forward to seeing the front cover featuring one of our local ladies.
For their own website click on
The following article has today been release to the press.
Ifton Meadows Local Nature Reserve
The grant of nearly £4000 from The Lottery - “AWARDS FOR ALL” has enabled Community Artist Cadi Price from Shawbury to work in the village of St Martins on the ‘Paving History’ project.
The twenty four slabs depicting various aspects of village life and mining history have been decorated by the Brownies and Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, St Martins Methodist Church and St Martins Parish Church, WI, Age Concern (Cedar Close) Ifton Opportunities (based at the Centre) and of course the St Martins Youth Club. Cadi has also complete slabs for Stans Shop, Miners Institute and Ifton Band.The slabs are being laid this week on the viewing circle on the Ifton Meadows Local Nature Reserve ready for the grand unveiling next Saturday at 11.00am which will be attended by a lot of the young people who have worked on the mosaics.As you can see from the attached photo the art work is stunning, so imagine
a double circle of decorated slabs with the finished project measuring over 3 metres in diameter.
The slabs will be laid on Tuesday 18th and finished off on Wednesday. If you would like a preview article/photo you are welcome to call the artist Cadi Price on 07857669958 as she will be working on site at those times. Otherwise come along on Saturday at 11 am and join over 100 folks at the unveiling!
Sue Heard Youth Club Leader
St Martins Summer Fair 2008
When it was suggested to the Friends of Ifton Meadows that we organise a summer fair we had all imagined a warm summer’s day, a gentle breeze, and wall to wall blue sky! When the day dawned we all thought the worst; the heavens were black, the hills were shrouded in cloud and rain and no-one was sure what the day would bring. But people arrived on the field and followed through on their intention to get together and have a great day.
The weather was still looking doubtful when George, (nails in straw man) arrived wearing his hat. “It never rains when I wear this hat” said George and we all knew it would be OK! And so it was. Our Chairperson, Ann Williams, welcomed everyone. Leanne Edwards, our May Queen, duly cut the ribbon to open the Fair and we were up and running.
Everyone said they had a good time. New friendships were made and old ones renewed. The 5-aside football was a hit with the lads and the spectators, with our own Cherry Tree team taking the Winners Medals. Wrexham took the title of most improved team and Nantwich was runner up. We were well entertained on the field by the dancer SANDRAvers Linedancers who performed several dances.
It was great to see the village’s own Ifton Brass Band back in the village and playing centre stage. Many people said it was good to be able to see and hear them performing again. There were motorcycles, veteran cars, our local police vehicles, our own First Responders and the Oswestry fire engine. The field was certainly colourful.
The tug of war was quite a spectacle! “The Ifton Meadows team were marginally beaten by a somewhat more youthful team from the Institute. The Ifton Meadows team had thought that if we won the competition it would be a good advert for our Green Gym (which we hold on the first Sunday afternoon of every month down at Ifton Meadows....All Welcome!).
Eventually both the Lonsdale Lions and the “Put a Donk on it” were beaten and were forced to join Ifton in watching the grand final between “The Drunken Skunks” from the Institute and “The Winners”. “The Drunken Skunks were the winners and took the trophy. “The Winners” lost! I’d like to say a big thank you to all the teams who took part.
The football medals, the tug of war trophy, raffle prizes and children’s’ competition prizes were all presented by our May Queen at the end of the afternoon.
The Ifton Meadows Raffle prize winning numbers were : 319 White £100 Stans Shopping Voucher 56 Orange Bottle of Welsh Whisky 291 White Bottle of Wine
I would particularly like to hear from anyone who managed to take a photograph of the ladies from the W.I., the Monday Cub, the Craft Guild and Ifton Meadows who, during the strongest of the afternoons gusts of wind, were seen hanging on to the main marquee in order to stop it blowing away.
We have to particularly thank the local business that supported the day, the organisations and clubs that provided equipment ranging from marquees to tea urns. It was good to see the traditional village organisations representing themselves on the field. (I understand that several recruited new members.) We especially thank the emergency services that were present. Also a very special thank you to the people who gave their time on the day. Our small, but growing, band of volunteers who manned stalls and games, the people who fetched and carried, and made it happen.
The final thanks go to the people who came to the field on the day. The children, the parents, the grannies and granddads, the friends and neighbours. I thank you for helping to make it a successful community event.
Ann Williams Chair Friends of Ifton Meadows
First Responders
Football Organisers Shaun, Dai, & Claire
West Mercia Police
George Millington & friends' veteran cars & bikes
Harry Hamilton'd Birds of Prey
Woodlands Ice Cream
St Martins Face Painters
Zai Fox's Funfair
Ifton Brass Band
St Martins Historians
St Martins Parish Church Sponsors
St Martins Parish Council
St Martins Scouting Organisations Friends of Ifton Meadows
The Craft Guild Icon Hair and Beauty
The DancerSANDRAvers Linedancing Club Stans Superstore The Monday Club St Martins Parish Council
The Women’s Institute Trisha’s of Oswestry
The Youth Club Wipak UK Ltd Welshpool
The Wrexham Heritage Group Woodcocks Newsagent
Friends of Ifton Meadows
I apologies if anyone has been omitted or names are incorrectly spelt.